For the 2018-2019 school year educators in Unit 5 and District 87 submitted 74 applications requesting a total of $133,601. The Foundation awarded $55,585 to 33 projects.
Early Education & Elementary Schools
Christine Sewell | $375 | 3D Printing for 3 Dimensional Learning
Amy Moore | $1,967 | Osmo Genius Kits
Julia Current | $4,800 | Building Sound Connections for Reading &Writing
Siobhan Sims King | $400 | STEM and Literacy Resources
Karen O’Shea | $4,539 | Piano and Music Instruction Through Technology
Kerrie Huizinga | $800 | Understanding Others, Understanding Ourselves
Andrea Norton | $400 | Character Counts Collective
Kathie Brown | $4,800 | Learning to Code through Legos
Stephanie Woody | $3,500 | Love Grows Here
Trisha Warner | $335 | Little Free Libraries: Planting Seeds of Literacy
Jennifer Ficek | $1,400 | STEMulate the Scientist in You
Brenda Garrett | $750 | Volcano STEM Stations
Kayley Henderson | $1,492 | ELL Take-Home Bags
Allyssa Svob | $693 | Mindful Practices of Kindness
Karen Showalter | $400 | Books are for Talking Too!
Erin Auskings | $360 | Rocking to Regulation and Readiness
Anne Waldorf | $268 | First Grade Brown Bag Book Club
Junior High/Middle Schools
Helen Brandon | $2,800 | Engaging in Science, One Model at a Time
Kristie Price | $1,728 | “Out of Sight”
Rachael Van Heuklon | $400 | Cow Eye Dissection
Jena Dalton | $400 | Reach for the Sky
Suzie Hutton | $378 | Literacy for Life
Sarah Martin | $276 | Video Experience Reflection
Carissa Brandon | $4,800 | Bridges to Literacy: A Multilingual Library
Katherine Behrens | $175 | “Rapping” Up Knowledge
Debbie Brown | $300 | Conversation + Commonality = Community
Shawn Schwerman | $200 | Busting out with Caudills
High Schools
Jennifer M Weaver | $4,800 | Futuristic Collaboration
Brad Bovenkerk | $4,600 | Making a Mark: Journalism Equipment
Susann Marcum | $3,700 | Student Health 101 – #SpreadTheHealth
Jarrod Rackauskas | $3,200 | Making Molecular Modeling a Snap!
April Schermann | $369 | Locked into Learning
Lisa Tomlin | $180 | A, B, O(h) My! Determining Blood Type
Beyond the Box
Monies for this award are provided by the Shirk Family Foundation
Sugar Creek | Karen Showalter ~ $10,000 | “ Modern Day Magic School Bus”
CONGRATULATIONS! Karen Showalter is our 2018-2019 Beyond the Box grant winner. Her grant, “Modern Day Magic School Bus” will pay for a Google Expeditions customized classroom kit. This virtual reality technology will allow all 544 students at Sugar Creek Elementary to take “field trips” inside the human body during science class; tour art museums around the country, or attend jazz concerts in music class. The package includes 36 Virtual Reality devices and more than 700 experiences! Thank you to the Shirk Family Foundation for helping to make this $10,000 award possible!